Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tuskegee Airmen

We can learn a lot of things from the Tuskegee Airmen. One lesson we can learn is that everybody is equal Lt. Broadwater told us that everybody thought that African-Americans were not equal but the Tuskegee Airmen proved that the color of your skin did not have anything to do with their abilities. Another lesson is that do not give up in the movie it showed how hard the men worked even though odds were against them. The final lesson is listen to your teachers Mr. Jones talked about how by paying attention in school even if you do not understand it will help you later in life. Tuskegee Airmen can teach us many things.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hope You Like The Hopi

Geography affected native american because they had to build with what you had. For example they used what they had so they made Kachina dolls.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Oh My Gosh Josh

Well, as you see my name is Joshua and I love cookies, basketball, and football. My role model is Kobe Bryant because his is the best to ever play the game. The best thing about me is that I express myself with colored skinny jeans. The highlight of my life is when i played with Watkins and scored my first touchdown when i played 55 pound. Another role model is Drake because I have all of his songs on my Ipod. My family is very boring but I play sports to ignore them. The person I talk to the most is my sister. I tell her everything in my life at school and outside of that. Well, that's all I have to say about me bye now.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

People Call me Jack but Im not Whack

My name is Jack and I describe myself as smart, fun, and just a cool dude. I like to cook, play basketball, and baseball. I do not have role model because I know what I want to do with my life but in what I want to do I do not know my favorite person in that career. The highlight of my life so far is my Bar-Mitzvah because I studied for six months and the best part was the party afterwords. When I grow up I want to be a chef I have liked cooking since I was eight I have been been to four camps. So now you now me bye for now.

The Story of Dorie

It was December 7 1941 when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Dorie Miller a African American cook on a ship sacrificed his life to try and stop enemy planes while the bombing of Pearl Harbor was happening. Born in Waco, Texas on October 12, 1919 to Henrietta and Conery Miller. He was a fullback on his high school football team at Moore High School. He had three brothers one who was in the army during World War II. He worked on his fathers farm before enlisting in the U.S Navy as a mess attendant. Dorie Miller was a great American hero and the best part about him was he was not one of the front line guys just another worker in the Navy, but still made his impact in history and this is why we should be named after him.